This is calling on all those anointed with the rank of ASSISTANT VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (A/V/S/E) in the month of DECEMBER 2022 to JUNE 2023 and those anointed with the rank of VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (V/S/E) in the month of DECEMBER 2022 to MARCH 2023, to please send the following details to the Pastor's Office, …

This is calling on all those anointed with the rank of ASSISTANT VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (A/V/S/E) in the month of DECEMBER 2022 to JUNE 2023 and those anointed with the rank of VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (V/S/E) in the month of DECEMBER 2022 to MARCH 2023, to please send the following details to the Pastor’s Office, C.C.C. W/W:
These details are to be sent to AVSE GOUAN BARTHELEMY +33783432212 or +2349032908915 (WhatsApp).
This is to enable the issuance of the NEW ANOINTMENT CERTIFICATES which comes with a QR code and a unique identification feature. Please note that the issuance of the NEW ANOINTMENT CERTIFICATES would attract a fee of N5,000 (Five Thousand Naira Only).