Administration & Membership

HomeAdministration & Membership


The Pastor is the Head of the church in all matters, and he is represented at the Parish level by the Shepherd, at the district level by the district supervisor, at the regional level, by the Regional Head, and at the diocesan level by the The Pastor is the Head of the church in all matters, and he is represented at the Parish level by the Shepherd, at the district level by the district supervisor, at the regional level, by the Regional Head, and at the diocesan level by the Head of Diocese.

The first Pastor of the Church was the Founder, Reverend, Pastor and Prophet Samuel Bilehou Oshoffa. Through him, the Lord Jesus Christ raised a number of dead, restored a number of blind, deaf and dumb. He was a great prophet of our time. He was translated at the age of 76 (in 1985) after leading the church for 38 years.

The Pastor is assisted in his administration by:

  • The Board of Trustees
  • The Pastor in Council members
  • Staff of the International Headquarters
  • The Heads of Dioceses, Regional Heads, District Heads, Zonal Heads and Parish Shepherds

At the Parish level, the shepherd is assisted in the administration of the Parish by its Parochial Committee.

Pastor In Council

The overall machinery for the Government of Celestial Church of Christ, Nigeria Diocese, all other diocese and for the direction of its affairs shall be vested in the Pastor-in-Council (hereafter referred to as “Council”) which is under the ultimate authority of the Pastor.

Functions of Pastor In Council

The Pastor-in-Council, under the Pastor’s authority and constituted under this Constitution, shall have the final directive on all Church matters relating to the Diocese, including:

(i) Custodianship of the Constitution of Celestial Church of Christ, Nigeria Diocese;

(ii) Amendment and Interpretation of the Constitution of the Church and ensuring its implementation and observation;

(iii) Custodianship of Church Laws and Rules;

(iv) Maintenance and Interpretation of Church Doctrine;

(v) Maintenance of Discipline;

(vi.) Publication of Gospel Diary, Almanacs, Hymn Books Calendars, Church Periodicals and all other Church Literature.


Celestial Church of Christ membership is open anyone who earnestly and sincerely desire to be saved and therefore accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and only Lord and Saviour of mankind and who wish to worship and serve Him in the Church; demonstrating their sense of conversion by taking up such duties and privileges as are entailed in the fellowship, are welcome into the fold.

Nobody shall be considered a member of the Church until he has been baptized in the Celestial Church of Christ, irrespective of any previous baptism(s) in any other Christian denomination(s).

A worshipper desiring to become a member shall:

  1. Renounce membership of all secret cults, societies, fraternities, etc.
  2. Renounce the worship of all idols and fetish,
  3. Desist from the worship of Satan and all his works, from following any fetish priests and from engaging in magic or any powers of darkness,
  4. Renounce all titles, positions or associations which directly or indirectly conflict with the above injunctions (e.g. any type of Chieftaincy title),
  5. Declare that living or dead, he is a full member of the Celestial Church of Christ and that on his death, he should be buried in accordance with the tenets and rites of the Celestial Church of Christ,
    Sign a declaration of adherence to the above.

NB: All the above are based on the teachings of the Holy Bible: Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”

7. Members shall use within and outside the Church only those appellations and/or prefixes relating to their rank within the Church. In addition, members may use outside the Church those appellations and/or prefixes that relate to their professional titles (e.g. Engr., Arch., Dr., Brig., Flight Officer, Navy Commander, or B.A. M.Sc. etc) or their gender (e.g. Mr. Mrs., Miss., Esq.)

8. New members shall normally, prior to admission undergo sanctification with a bucket/pail of water and candle to avoid uncleanness in the Church. The prayer of sanctification shall be conducted by the Pastor’s Representative in charge of the Parish or by his appointee.