In order to stem the unacceptable and rather embarrassing tide of young and inexperienced members of our fold adorning high ranks for which they are least qualified, the apex authority of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, hereby stipulates that effective immediately, the following affirmations must be strictly adhered to: -The current trend where Shepherds …

In order to stem the unacceptable and rather embarrassing tide of young and inexperienced members of our fold adorning high ranks for which they are least qualified, the apex authority of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, hereby stipulates that effective immediately, the following affirmations must be strictly adhered to:
-The current trend where Shepherds of our parishes single handedly compile names of members irrespective of their spiritual standing and contributions to the fold, according to the laid down doctrines and tenets of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, and present such at Imeko for Anointment and Ordination, is NOT ACCEPTABLE and MUST STOP with forthwith.
The appropriate steps are as follows:

-Shepherds must compile the names of members of their parishes who are deemed fit for anointment and recommend such to their State Evangelist(s) in Nigeria and Heads of Diocese abroad (U.S.A, U.K, etc) for vetting, approval and co-ordination of associated logistics; as a prerequisite for the presentation of such approved members to the Admin. Office for scrutiny of same and further processing and final submission to the Anointment Office for Anointment at Imeko.
-Going forward, Parishes and Church Officials that violate the afore-stated steps will be deemed as obtaining funds from C.C.C. members under false pretense, as this will not be in consonance with laid down administrative procedures.
-AND FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE STAFF OF THE PASTOR’S OFFICE IN CHARGE OF ANOINTMENT EXERCISE: Henceforth, no Anointment List should be processed unless the Shepherd comes with a well vetted, approved, signed and stamped list of candidates for Anointment Exercise duly signed by the State Evangelist (Nigeria) or Head of Diocese (Diaspora), as the case may be.
-The Celestial Church of Christ expressly frowns at the implied diversion of funds birthed by this practice and the numerous complaints and challenges that young members with “BIG” ranks pose to the fold due to their immaturity and inexperience.
-Please be reminded that obtaining by false pretense is a section of the Criminal Code (Section 419) of the Nigerian Constitution, which is punishable by law and according to the Church Constitution.
-We wish to state categorically that punitive measures and appropriate sanctions shall be meted out to leaders or anyone in a privileged position involved in connivance or any fraudulent activities with regard to the subject of discussion.
-We seize this opportunity to encourage us to remain steadfast in our walk with the Lord as we continue to pray for the grace to do so.
-These directives are contained in a memo under the seal and signature of His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobina Oshoffa, Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, dated Thursday, 9th March, 2023, with reference number CCC/EMF/PO/AD-001?03-23, for the attention of all Shepherds in Charge, all State Evangelists, all Heads of Diocese (International) and C.C.C. W/w.




Well understood but how long does someone needs to be a member of a parish before the shepherd can recommend that person for anointing because some people might be rejected in their parish for one reasons or another and collaborate with another church shepherd for this purpose. I will suggests that anyone seeking anointing should show previous certificate and has to be between 3 to 5 yrs with good reputation in the vineyards. This is just my own opinion . Also they need to tested in spiritual practices too. Thanks
Johnson Oluwagbenga Adeniyi
The office of the Pastor should help to make life easy for the shepherds working very far from their state headquarters. Another thing is that it will become an avenue to extort even shepherd by the so superior shepherds in the name of verification.
Ijo mimo o ni ba je ooooooooo