The bust of the Founder of the Celestial Church of Christ, Saint S.B.J Oshoffa, situated at the roundabout known as "Ipako Oshoffa," Imeko, Ogun State, has been given a face-lift by a devoted faithful of the Church. The renovation was financed by Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Paul Enahoro of the Celestial Church of Christ, S.B.J. …

The bust of the Founder of the Celestial Church of Christ, Saint S.B.J Oshoffa, situated at the roundabout known as “Ipako Oshoffa,” Imeko, Ogun State, has been given a face-lift by a devoted faithful of the Church.

The renovation was financed by Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Paul Enahoro of the Celestial Church of Christ, S.B.J. Oshoffa Parish, Dublin, Ireland.
A visit to the site revealed that extensive flooring, tiling and painting works had been carried out. Electric solar panels were also installed, giving the bust of the late Reverend, Pastor, Prophet and Founder, a completely new and refreshing look.
We commend Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist Paul Enahoro for this laudable step.
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