A new anointment card to be issued to intending anointees after payment of the mandatory Imeko Convocation levy has been introduced. This card would issued to candidates for anointment after they have paid the Imeko Convocation levy and is one of the documents to be presented before any intending anointee would receive anointment from the …

A new anointment card to be issued to intending anointees after payment of the mandatory Imeko Convocation levy has been introduced.
This card would issued to candidates for anointment after they have paid the Imeko Convocation levy and is one of the documents to be presented before any intending anointee would receive anointment from the Pastor and Spiritual Head, C.C.C Worldwide.
The new card bears a Silver Security Foil and only cards that bear this feature would be acceptable as from Monday, 6th May, 2024.
Please note that the ongoing 2024 ANOINTMENT EXERCISE of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide would end on Saturday, 11th May, 2024.

Sup/Evang Pro Olatunde James Temitope
This is a welcome idea may God strengthen His church in Jesus mighty name
Very interesting
Soh Élie
Hello, when will we have the opportunity to Take the anointment ?