This is to announce a change in the venue of the meeting of States and Provincial Evangelists with the Pastor and Spiritual Head, C.C.C. Worldwide. The meeting earlier scheduled to hold at the Saint S.B.J. Oshoffa Cathedral, International Headquarters Church, Ketu, Lagos, would NO LONGER hold at that venue. The meeting of States/Provincial Evangelists with …
This is to announce a change in the venue of the meeting of States and Provincial Evangelists with the Pastor and Spiritual Head, C.C.C. Worldwide.

The meeting earlier scheduled to hold at the Saint S.B.J. Oshoffa Cathedral, International Headquarters Church, Ketu, Lagos, would NO LONGER hold at that venue.
The meeting of States/Provincial Evangelists with the Pastor, C.C.C. Worldwide, would now hold at the Celestial City, Imeko, Ogun State on Tuesday, 27th February, 2024.
Venue is the Celestial Basilica, Imeko, Ogun State. Time: 12.00 noon prompt.
All States/Provincial Evangelists are to note that the 2024 Agongue Pilgrimage is fast approaching. The Pilgrimage is slated for Friday, 1st March, 2024 – Sunday, 3rd March, 2024.
It is therefore of utmost importance that States/Provincial Evangelists pay up the mandatory N50,000 (fifty thousand naira) per province levy for the Pilgrimage, on or before the meeting date.
For those who may wish to pay before the date of the meeting, please pay into:
Account Name:
CCC Worldwide Imeko Convocation Committee
Zenith bank
Account number:
Kindly present your teller/proof of payment at the meeting.
Attendance of this all important meeting is compulsory. Absentees would be penalised.