In a bold move to stamp out the deadly virus of Anointment Certificate racketeering in the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend E.M.F. Oshoffa, Pastor and Spiritual Head, C.C.C. W/w, has approved the redesigning and introduction of new Anointment Certificates for the clergy of the church, especially those recently elevated to the ranks …

In a bold move to stamp out the deadly virus of Anointment Certificate racketeering in the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend E.M.F. Oshoffa, Pastor and Spiritual Head, C.C.C. W/w, has approved the redesigning and introduction of new Anointment Certificates for the clergy of the church, especially those recently elevated to the ranks of ASSISTANT VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELISTS (A.V.S.E.) AND VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELISTS (V.S.E.).
To this end, all those elevated to the rank of ASSISTANT VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (A.V.S.E.) and VENERABLE SUPERIOR EVANGELIST (V.S.E.) within December 2022 – June 2023, are to send their names, telephone numbers, addresses, a passport photograph and receipt of payment for the said anointment to AVSE Gouan Barthelemy tel: +234-903-290-8915 (WhatsApp).
The new Anointment Certificates would bear security features which include a QR Code and a unique identification. These new Anointment Certificates can be collected from the Chaiman of the C.C.C. Task Force Corps, VSE Firmin Akinbode Adjovi, at a venue and date to be announced soon.
The afore-stated pastoral directive was contained in a memo dated 18th July, 2023, with reference number CCC/EMF/PO/PD-CER/01/07-23.
In addition:
-Any C.C.C. clergy adorning ranks for which they were not anointed would be de-robed when apprehended.
-Any C.C.C. Shepherd/Church Worker adorning ranks for which they were not anointed would not only lose their posting but also risk not being posted for the next 5 (Five) years.
-Landlord Shepherds who fall under the foregoing category must present their Anointment Certificates in any dealings with the central church administration.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

We advise that the names of all senior anointed officers to the above named rank be published for the members and general public to know thanks