We must lament the disturbing level of quakery that appears to have overwhelmed the business of information dissemination in recent times. Everywhere you turn, the scavengers and vultures are flapping their wings and looking for victims to devour. They feed on falsehood, rotten and decomposing news and spread same with the speed of light, with …

We must lament the disturbing level of quakery that appears to have overwhelmed the business of information dissemination in recent times. Everywhere you turn, the scavengers and vultures are flapping their wings and looking for victims to devour. They feed on falsehood, rotten and decomposing news and spread same with the speed of light, with neither shame nor professionalism. Not surprising, as most of these news scavengers lack proper training for what they are doing. Most of them, we dare say, are uncouth and half-baked. And should this bother us, not really!

Our major concern is that our great church, the largest white garment church in the world today, the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, has been at the receiving end of the nauseating activities of these carnivores lately. Especially so, since the arson that took place at the Celestial Church of Christ, Overcomers Parish, Oke Ira Nla, Ajah, Lagos, following the death of a labourer contracted to evacuate the soak-away pit in the church premises.

Ever since that unfortunate incident, we have been served different false narratives by quacks who were so much in a hurry to tarnish the name and image of the Celestial Church of Christ, that they conveniently forgot to check the facts of the matter properly before serving the public utter falsehood, especially on the social media.

Their actions have caused the Parish to be razed to the ground by an irate mob after being thoroughly looted. Their actions have caused the Shepherd of the Parish, VSE Aso James, to be lynched and almost killed. He lies critically injured at the hospital. His Assistant, Senior Evangelist Ayotunde Oladipupo, who attempted to save the Hausa labourer, also fell into the soak-away and presently hangs precariously between life and death.

They have tried so hard to pin the label of ritualist on the embattled Shepherd and by extension all C.C.C. members, not minding that the Police have come out to affirm that the body of the late Hausa labourer, Dogo, was not in any way mutilated. Like rabid dogs, they have made several attempts to stand the facts of the matter on its head and change the narrative to portray the Celestial Church of Christ in very bad light.

The death of the Shepherd, VSE Aso James, has also been announced even as the innocent man lies on hospital bed battling for his life. They have spread the unsubstantiated and false information that the ailing Assistant Shepherd, Senior Evangelist Ayotunde Oladipupo, is not in the hospital…We could go on and on…

One thing is clear though, the authorities of the Celestial Church of Christ would not take all these lying low. Due process would be followed. The Police Report on the death of Dogo would be made public. Those who have tarnished the image of the Celestial Church of Christ in this matter shall be fished out and should be ready to face charges of criminal slander in a competent court of law.

We serve you EXCERPTS from a video of an interview conducted with the critically injured Shepherd on his hospital bed. An interview that was conducted at about the same time that the news vultures and scavengers were busy announcing the innocent man’s obituary. The FULL VIDEO contains shots of an interview with the Assistant Shepherd, Senior Evangelist Ayotunde Oladipupo, on his hospital bed on the same day that the desperados were busy announcing that the same man was not in any hospital.

On Sunday, 4th June, 2023, VSE Aso James was moved to a hospital owned by his personal doctor of many years, where he would receive better medical care, while his Assistant Shepherd was moved to a Teaching Hospital where he would enjoy the attention of specialist doctors as demanded by his condition. The video excerpt:

The Celestial Church of Christ is a Bible believing church focussed on evangelizing the world through the proclamation of the word – the good news of the Messiah Jesus Christ and of the Kingdom of God; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, proclaiming deliverance to those bound by the shackles of Satan, healing the broken-hearted, the sick, the deformed, restoring hope to the hopeless and those who are bound, while reinforcing the faith of all – both feeble and strong in the unfailing righteousness and faithfulness of God Almighty and Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour.




  1. Celestial Reality Check

    June 5, 2023

    Good Job.

  2. Dare Jacob

    June 5, 2023

    Enough of this hatred about the Church, we n


      June 5, 2023

      Good will save us all from all the lieing toung.

  3. Olusola

    June 5, 2023

    Good job sir.
    The man from Fresh FM Lagos report was so poor, judgemental, and contradictory.

  4. Tobi

    June 5, 2023

    They need be punished for false allegations.

    God is alive.

    May God give strength to his workers so they heal fast and continue leading people to God.

  5. Avse adeoye adebayo olufemi

    June 5, 2023

    Isegun kan kosi fun esu oluwa a mu wa bori adanwo yi devil is not happy with the church but we shall prevail in Jesus name

  6. Johnson Oluwagbenga Adeniyi

    June 5, 2023

    Good response in due time. God bless the Celestial Church of Christ. Amen!


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