Be informed that the 2nd Bible Lesson for the Easter Sunday Service of Sunday, 9th April, 2023, is taken from the book of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15 and we shall read from verses 35 - 58. (1st Cor 15: 35-58). Please share this information extensively. Thank you.

Be informed that the 2nd Bible Lesson for the Easter Sunday Service of Sunday, 9th April, 2023, is taken from the book of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15 and we shall read from verses 35 – 58. (1st Cor 15: 35-58).

Please share this information extensively.

Thank you.





    April 6, 2023

    Noted sir

  2. Ogunnubi David

    April 6, 2023

    From my observation, bible lessons are repited ,and most are not tailors to the events of some seasons.
    Let Lessons given have topic assigned to it. E.g Topic Tiths, lessons the be taken from relevant bible passages. This will help the seemoner to prepare well.


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