The U.S.A. National Diocese of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide is set to hold its first General Meeting and Town Hall on Saturday, 4th March, 2023. The Head of the U.S.A. National Diocese, Venerable Superior Evangelist Olaitan Balogun, M.P.I.C, in a chat with C.C.C. Media disclosed that the event would hold at the C.C.C. …

The U.S.A. National Diocese of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide is set to hold its first General Meeting and Town Hall on Saturday, 4th March, 2023. The Head of the U.S.A. National Diocese, Venerable Superior Evangelist Olaitan Balogun, M.P.I.C, in a chat with C.C.C. Media disclosed that the event would hold at the C.C.C. Arch Diocese, Chicago 1, 15712 Church Drive, South Holland, IL 60473, on the said date.
Expected to attend are all Parish Shepherds, all Church Workers, State, Regional and National Supervisors. Also to attend are all Parish Chairmen, Secretaries, Treasurers and Parochial Committee Members, plus all Elders and Celestial Church of Christ Members in the United States of America.

Comfort Suites, 2235 173rd St, Lansing, IL 60438
Rate: $120/night
Tel: 7084183337
Contact Person at the Hotel: AJ
Code: Celestial
Be there.