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The late Prophetess Deborah Gbolasere Oshoffa was multi-talented. One of her gifts was to articulate her thoughts and express herself in black and white. Her prose was simple, poetic, flowery and a delight to read. In loving memory of the departed beacon of love and hope, we compile some of her impactful expressions and serve …

The late Prophetess Deborah Gbolasere Oshoffa was multi-talented. One of her gifts was to articulate her thoughts and express herself in black and white. Her prose was simple, poetic, flowery and a delight to read. In loving memory of the departed beacon of love and hope, we compile some of her impactful expressions and serve them below:


Whatever you do to the Dead once they are gone is not known to them

So much pretense everywhere….


Speak lovingly about the living with tears in your eyes,
let your emotions show love to the living…
be close to the living,
respect the living..
Find out the problems of the living and help them, invest in the living,… Many Peoole have died not knowing how much they are loved…


Celebrate yourself , No one does it better than you,

Celebrate your little wins.. People only Celebrate Great wins,

Dance away your sorrows,
Sing with tears in your eyes and Never stop Praising God.


C.C.C. is not just a church to me,
It is a way of life everlasting,
It is precious to me,
It shows me true worship,
Our Doctrines and tenets are our identity,
Our peculiarities that stand us out,
It teaches me simplicity and humility,
Ijo Mimo lati orun wa,
Nipa agbara eje Jesu, ni baba fi gbe kale.

– The Greatest teaching I keep to my heart in CCC …..We shall reap what we sow.

The fact about some stands I take in CCC

We have gotten to a stage in this church where lies are the order of the day yet righteousness exalts a Nation.

A stage I call No conscience…

Yearly I get visions about this church,
2019 I had a vision,
I was terrified… there was absolute peace everywhere but God showed me chaos..…

I was in tears…

And God of C.C.C. told me it is a process!!!
And I have watched the process..Hmmmm
I have been part of the process..God showed me the end of the chaos… a better CCC.

Our CCC is a house divided against itself..
Games and gaming to outwit Ourselves…

Are we not privy to the Schemes of the devil???
Where are the wise ones?
Where are the Prophets?
Where are those who saw this house in its old Glory!!!!

We built and we didn’t have our arrows and bows… like Nehemiah and the Israelites did.The enemies came in from amongst us.
The Devil saw willing hands amongst us ,

For Years I have warned of this page..
I have acted based on warnings … I have questioned God severally why I am involved.. answers I get gets me teary in my clo

I have sacrificied too much of me…
Sometimes I am weakened, I am human .
Yet I must do what God says .. I can’t afford to fall in the hands of God.. His wrath I can’t bear.

I have paid Prices for my stand… Yet I am Proud of my stand..

I do not regret the path I chose…
I am Thankful I found Grace..
I must Speak only when God says,
And it must be the truth.
Without fear or favour

A path of pains and self denial… It was clear… a warning from God” Do not to join the multitude , if it means standing alone … do it “

I know what it is to be cyber bullied..
I have been there,
I know what it is to remain strong outside but breaking up inside,

Stories are sold by friends and loved ones most times,
I read some stories , lies, gang ups, full down syndromes and I got confused asking if my shadow acted without my knowledge..

You don’t even know who to trust

I promised myself not to ever get involved in cyber bullying.. it is dehumanizing!!!

I will rather correct in love,
I pick my words carefully..
Whatever I have to say or write… I edit I put people in my shoes… it upsets me if lies are sprea

I have respected people, humbled myself, pleased people , regarded people… even when I have reasons to stay away … because I fear God and consequences of my actions.

I don’t want to be the reason anyone cries to God..
Karma is real!!!

Some People have chosen to be tools in the hands of the devil… if you must write.. please find out the truth!!!!!!!
Most stories you see on internet are Sponsored by haters…

I can’t Celebrate the fall of my enemy talk of the fall of a friend… I don’t want anyone to fall for me to raise… I don’t want to unscrew anyone’s bulb for mine to shine brighter…

I see a battle of wits, personal vendetta, conspiracy and the church of God falls daily … It is sad ,the state of this Church…
It has never been this bad and history of this church..

Some flourish in this division,
Some have attained ranks and position and sold out their consciences..
Yet it is all vanity !!!

Psalm 94:3

No one has sought the Peace of CCC like I do,
I took steps ,
I was called names,
I was rejected,
I was misunderstood,

I don’t want to be loved by all,
I don’t want to be heard,

Yet I am happy because God sees my heart.. I kept to His words.

Staying out of CCC issues is not of cowardice..
My spirit is vexed …
The state of this church saddens me,
Why should the church we find solace become an avenue for attacks that celebrate Mediocrity and lawlessne
It is indeed sad.

But will I speak when I am not sent????

How Long shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land??????

Ija Jesu la ngbe tabi ija ara yin????

We seek Genuine peace and reconciliation…
Enough of these games!!!

Prophetess Deborah OSHOFFA Speaks!!!!

-Study the word of God,
be led by the spirit and not man, understanding that challenges only mould us for our greater days,
Not worshipping prophets …
Not turning your shepherds to demi gods,
Serving the only true God,
Striving to be better everyday

-This is the time to think in CCC,
so that tomorrow you don’t blame the church and members for your troubles!!!
God can’t be mocked.

-Choose today whom you will serve!!!
We cannot remain in sin and say the Grace should abound..


-It has been a Journey of so Much betrayal, misconceptions and attacks…

-Ore kingbe!!!!!
My Lesson for the Month of January!!!…
There is no good done that the reward doesn’t come…
Thank you January 2024….
There is a Melody in my Heart…


-There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming Gratitude , and of unspeakable Words…


-The Greatest Strength of My Father was raising Strong Women…

He Put so Much Royalty in us…

The Oshoffa Princesses… Strongest breed of Women I have ever known..Are the Women of Oshoffa…


-My tell it all Egbon,
Notices When I move back,
Notices when I am Angry..
Respects my Views and Understands Me so well.
Even when we disagree.. it is done with Mutual Respect..
Infact we Understand Ourselves so Much..
Debbie, Debbie in His Special way of calling me…


-E ba mi ki ra fun egbon mi bi enikeji mi.
Hon.Oshoffa Olayemi Rosemary,Your package didn’t just come as my mother’s first girl but it came as a gift to the world.
You are such a wonderful sister!!!


-I am not rich but God knows I do my best… God I see many impacts I can make if you bless my efforts more…


My love, you are a work of art.

You have shattered but you have not been broken.

Gathering the strongest of the remains, you have pieced yourself back together time and time again.

You have solidified the pieces with love and melded it together with the strength from inside you.

You have been strength to others,
You have encouraged,
You have raised hopes for others,
You have prayed for others,
You have helped even when not convienient,
You have stood in the gap for people,
You have not let others define you,

And for that, you are an amazing human being.

Becoming more beautiful with each break, you have proved to yourself the power of your faith.

Even in the times when you no longer wanted to remain in this world, your faith could not be suppressed.

It rose from within you like a burning light and showed you the way out of your darkness.

You became your own savior and I cannot think of a more powerful thing in this world.





Gbolasere Nle…

Sincerely Yours Truly… Her Daddy’s Princess…

You deserve a letter from you to you…. It is beautiful!!!

We all are super heroes and Heroines… Give yourself the accolades…

I am Deborah … I am proud of Me!!!


First it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire
My worship is my weapon,
Praises is my Gratitude..

This is how I win my battle

The fragrance of my worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, Thunderings, Earthquakes
Were the response to my worship..

Worshipping you is a debt..

You have done so much for me,
I can not tell it all..

Maleka Mimọ wo Inu ile mi wa,
E mi ti so rire,
Baba ti so Funmi,

I am breaking fallow grounds,
Let the words of my mouth,
And the Mediation of my heart ,
Be accepted in your sight…
Let my Fears become joy..
Let me be a light of hope,

Let me be a channel of Peace … God of my Father ..

2nd Sunday of January 2024 @CCC REV SBJ OSHOFFA International Cathedral Ketu..

Mori Anu gba!!!!


The Grace to witness a child’s Day of Joy is given by ONLY God…
The God My Parents showed me and I got to know Personally Has-favored me Again!!!!!The Grace to witness a child’s Day of Joy is given by ONLY God…

The God My Parents showed me and I got to know Personally Has-favored me Again!!!!!
Mori anu gba…

I am not the Bride, I am the Groom’s Mother…

I am here to say Thank you Lord… eni ba Moore Jesu ko ba mi gbe ga..

Mori anu gba…
I am not the Bride, I am the Groom’s Mother…
I am here to say Thank you Lord… eni ba Moore Jesu ko ba mi gbe ga.


God Bless everyone who has given me a Shoulder at all points of my Life..
Thank you for your beautiful Words..
Thank you for your Corrections,




  1. Avse adeoye adebayo olufemi

    March 21, 2024

    Indeed these are words on marble that a reasonable mind should read and meditate on rest on my dear till resurrection day we miss you all Gbloasere I all always call you areewa


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