"Harvest of Unstoppable Increase," that's the theme of the 8th Adult Harvest Thanksgiving Celebration of the Celestial Church of Christ, Emmanuel Parish, Garland, Texas, USA, which comes up Monday, 25th August, 2024 - Sunday, 1st September, 2024. Events lined up include Youth Day, Appreciation and Award Ceremony/Economic Summit, Spiritual Consultation/Sidesmen and Sideswomen Workshop, Seeker's Service/Feeding …

“Harvest of Unstoppable Increase,” that’s the theme of the 8th Adult Harvest Thanksgiving Celebration of the Celestial Church of Christ, Emmanuel Parish, Garland, Texas, USA, which comes up Monday, 25th August, 2024 – Sunday, 1st September, 2024.
Events lined up include Youth Day, Appreciation and Award Ceremony/Economic Summit, Spiritual Consultation/Sidesmen and Sideswomen Workshop, Seeker’s Service/Feeding of the Homeless, Women’s Workshop, Prophets and Prophetesses Night, Barbecue/Games Day and the grand finale, Harvest of Unstoppable Increase Thanksgiving Service, says the Shepherd in Charge, AVSE Dipo Oshin.
Events would hold at the church auditorium located at 3909 Lawler Road, Garland, Texas, 75042, USA.
Keep a Date!