The Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, has scheduled a meeting with all Shepherds and Church Workers of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, for Thursday, 21st March, 2024. Venue of this all important meeting is the Celestial Church of Christ, Parish 1, Imeko, …

The Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, has scheduled a meeting with all Shepherds and Church Workers of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, for Thursday, 21st March, 2024.
Venue of this all important meeting is the Celestial Church of Christ, Parish 1, Imeko, Ogun State. Time: 12.00 noon.

All Shepherds and Church Workers are enjoined to wait behind after the International Ministers and Workers Retreat scheduled to hold at the International Conference Centre, Imeko, on the 18th-20th March,2024, so as to be able to attend the meeting with His Eminence on Thursday, 21st March, 2024.
Attendance at this meeting is compulsory as absentees would be sanctioned. We look forward to your presence.
Prince Oluwole Stephen Atesebi
What a very good development and a way to pass information to all the parishes globally.
Oluso Koiki
You mentioned in your note worldwide not to include USA shepherds, are we excluded in this meeting. We do not want second hand messages of our pastor. Please sir make arrangements for us to join. Oluso koiki shepherd in charge Oshoffa cathedral parish, Maryland USA 301 350 2063