God does not forget the seed and the labour of love and therefore a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing, men will give into your bosom whenever you give more especially to the things of God. Support this Kingdom service, support the Imeko Convocation and Development 2023 with a minimum of N1,000 Naira. …

God does not forget the seed and the labour of love and therefore a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing, men will give into your bosom whenever you give more especially to the things of God.
Support this Kingdom service, support the Imeko Convocation and Development 2023 with a minimum of N1,000 Naira.
To support us, please pay at:
Account name: Imeko Convocation Committee
CCC Worldwide
Account number: 1219676037
Bank: Zenith Bank
Expect a divine increase in your finances in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.