Venerable Superior Evangelist Sammy Sotomi is indeed a worthy ambassador of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide. A peek into his resume reveals a man who has flown the flag of C.C.C. W/w, in different continents of the world, attracting accolades and positive attention to our great church. Within and beyond the boundaries of the …

Venerable Superior Evangelist Sammy Sotomi is indeed a worthy ambassador of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide. A peek into his resume reveals a man who has flown the flag of C.C.C. W/w, in different continents of the world, attracting accolades and positive attention to our great church. Within and beyond the boundaries of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, VSE Sammy Sotomi has excelled, like a man with the Midas touch, achieving gasp inducing feats. Lets take a look at the resume of VSE Sammy A.I. Sotomi, ACII, MSc (Risk Mgt), MIRM, FCIIN, FIFAA:
VSE Sammy Sotomi holds a Diploma, Insurance and Risk Management (Distinction) from UN, Unctad College of Insurance and Risk Management. He is also a Chartered Insurer (ACII) from the College of Insurance, London, UK (1984).
Also in his kitty is a post graduate degree, MSc, Risk Management from Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He is, in addition, a Fellow and Senior Council Member, Chartered Insurance Institute, Nigeria, and a past Chief Examiner in Nigeria on Associateship subject of Marine and Aviation Insurance, CIIN.
It is noteworthy that VSE Sammy Sotomi is a past National President and Chairman, Governing Council of the Institute of Loss Adjusters of Nigeria (2003-2007) and a Fellow of the International Federation of Loss Adjusting Assoaciation (World body of Loss Adjusting Associations based in London, UK (FIFA).

A member of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, (CILA), UK, and also a Member of the Institute of Risk Management, (MIRM), UK, VSE Sammy Sotomi has written many professional books and represented Nigeria all over the world. He has also represented the world bodies on Insurance, Loss Adjusting and Risk Management in the USA, Uk, Singapore, Australia and a number of far East countries.
Venerable Superior Evangelist Sammy Sotomi was born and bred in the Celestial Church of Christ.
He served as English translator along with late Papa Shokoya in Reverend, Pastor, Founder, S.B.J. Oshoffa’s lifetime in Nigeria.
VSE Sammy Sotomi built and established Adehun Oluwa Kiiye Parish (Alakuko) of the Celestial Church of Christ in 1986. This parish was dedicated and declared open by late Reverend, Pastor A.A. Bada. It is on record that the landed documents of the parish was submitted to the Ketu authority and VSE Sammy Sotomi has been very active in the administration and clergy functions at the parish. He is ably assisted by an Assistant Shepherd.
VSE Sammy Sotomi served as Publicity Committee Member of the International Management Committee and produced the first publicity programme for the first Imeko Convocation in 1984, in three languages, English, French and Yoruba, as mandated by late Reverend, Pastor, Founder, S.B.J. Oshoffa.
He was the Publicity Chairman, C.C.C. W/w and served in that capacity for 33 years (1984-2017) and also chaired the handling of the following ceremonies of C.C.C. Worldwide:
-Chairman, Publicity Committee for burial of late Reverend, Pastor A.A. Bada.
-Chairman, Publicity Committee for Pastor’s Inauguration and Thanksgiving for late Pastor Hunsu Ajose.
-Chairman, Publicity Committee for C.C.C. 60th Anniversary (2007).
-Chairman, Publicity Committee for C.C.C. 70th Anniversary (2017).
-Chairman, Parochial Committee, C.C.C. Arch Diocese, National Headquarters, Makoko, Lagos (2003-2008).
-Member, Pastor in Council (M.P.I.C.) till date.
It is for these laudable achievements and sterling contributions to the growth and progress of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, that Sammy Sotomi, was recently anointed and admitted into the rank of Venerable Superior Evangelist of the C.C.,C. W/w by His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide.