The global membership of the Celestial Church of Christ is hereby informed that appropriate steps are being taken to address all cases of anomalies within the fold, as brought to the notice of the church administration. Such cases include the unauthorised anointment of church members into church ranks by certain Shepherds of the Celestial Church …

The global membership of the Celestial Church of Christ is hereby informed that appropriate steps are being taken to address all cases of anomalies within the fold, as brought to the notice of the church administration. Such cases include the unauthorised anointment of church members into church ranks by certain Shepherds of the Celestial Church of Christ, the alcohol consumption saga at the Idunnu Joshua Parish, Lagos, and the unauthorised adornment of the rank of Venerable Superior Evangelist by Superior Evangelist Abraham Ade Aniyeloye of Hephzibar Parish, Cairo, Egypt, amongst others.
Irked by these unsavoury developments, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, Pastor and Supreme Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, has since directed the appropriate church organs to conduct discreet and thorough investigations into the foregoing cases and others, with a view to identifying the culprits and bringing them to book.
His Eminence also wishes to make it known that on no occasion was Superior Evangelist Abraham Ade Aniyeloye of Hephzibar Parish, Cairo, Egypt, given a “Special Anointment” for the rank of Venerable Superior Evangelist of C.C.C. Worldwide. He should therefore desist from parading himself as such.
A stern pastoral warning is also issued to all Shepherds of the church to desist from anointing church members into any church rank. Note that anointment into church ranks is a sacred and exclusive function of the Pastor and Spiritual Head of the church. Any Shepherd found culpable of desecrating this sacred pastoral role would be made to face very severe punitive measures.
The Celestial Church of Christ Task Force Corps under the leadership of Venerable Superior Evangelist Firmin Akinbode Adjovi, working in conjunction with the Shepherd’s Council under the able leadership of Most Superior Evangelist M.O. Ajao, is already looking into the Idunnu Joshua Parish alcohol consuming saga, with a view to bringing the culprits to book.
All State Evangelists are reminded of the deadline for the submission of the Certificates of Anointment of all Shepherds under their supervision. Such Clergy Certificates of Anointment must be submitted to the office of the Celestial Task Force Corps between 7th – 15th November, 2022. This is to enable proper verification and the production of a comprehensive GAZETTE of all Shepherds of the church.
And finally, His Eminence wishes to appeal to all members of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, to desist from rushing to the social media to call out the church administration, especially on cases of wrongdoings that are being investigated by the church authority. Such hasty actions, on the part of church members, DOES NO GOOD to the image of the Celestial Church of Christ, in the eyes of the general public.
Channels have been created for complaints and reports to reach the church administration. Celestial Church of Christ faithfuls, all over the world, would do well to make use of such channels, rather than making hasty generalizations on the internet and social media, to the embarassment of the church as a whole. When cases of misdeeds are reported, time should be given for investigations to be conducted and fair, reasonable and logical conclusions, to be reached. Thank you.
May the Lord continue to shine His light on our paths in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Sup. Evangelist. Abraham Udus
Sup. Evangelist. Abraham Udus
Thanks so much for the job well done. I am totally in support of the intention to bring every erring parish to book including the members, shepherd and parish that are found guilty. I would also like to be updated through my email of current isuues and occurrences in Celestial Church. It should be burged of bad eggs that are destroying the church for their selfish interest and benefits.