The Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, has empowered the Chairman of the Task Force Corps of C.C.C. Worldwide, VSE Firmin Akinbode Adjovi, to investigate all cases of fraud and malpractices concerning the ongoing 2023 Anointment Exercise.

Regarding the foregoing, all elevations and anointments to the rank of Assistant Venerable Superior Evangelist (AVSE) and Venerable Superior Evangelist (VSE), must be screened and vetted by the Task Force Corps Chairman, Venerable Superior Evangelist Firmin Akinbode Adjovi, before intending candidates to these ranks can be anointed.
Again, let this serve as a reminder to all Parish Shepherds that they are to compile the list of the intending candidates for anointment from their parishes and thereafter proceed to their STATE EVANGELIST for verification and approval, after which they shall present the list at the Admin Desk of the Pastor’s Office for another round of vetting.
After the approval of the STATE EVANGELIST and the ADMIN DESK of the PASTOR’S OFFICE, Shepherds would then present the list of intending anointees to the TASK FORCE CORPS CHAIRMAN, VSE Firmin Adjovi, for cross examination and the final approval of the Pastor and Spiritual Head, His Eminence, Reverend E.M.F. Oshoffa, as regards the ranks of AVSE and VSE, before proceeding to the ANOINTMENT DESK of the Pastor’s Office for PAYMENT.

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