Our attention has been drawn to a photo-shopped video being presently circulated on social media, showing some members of the Celestial Church of Christ in a procession, singing protest songs against the government of the day.

We wish to make it clear that the said video is photo-shopped. The Celestial Church of Christ members in the original video were in a procession to win souls for Christ and not on a hunger protest. The voices singing protest songs in the said video do not belong to the members of the Celestial Church shown in that procession. The singing voices were deliberately and mischievously super-imposed to create a false impression.

Let it be understood that the Celestial Church of Christ is a Bible believing Church with a divine mandate to win souls for Christ and expand the Kingdom of God amongst humanity. We are non-political and non-partisan.

The contrived video in question is nothing but the work of idle minds and mischief makers. We therefore call on members of the public to disregard the contents of the video in its entirety.

Only recently, the Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, called on all youths in the Celestial fold not to join any violent protest that could lead to loss of lives and destruction of government property. He stressed that protests, if they must be held, should be peaceful and carried out within the ambits of the law.

The Celestial Church of Christ condemns those behind the circulation of the said video in very strong terms and dissociates the fold from the contents of the video completely.

The Church would however continue to pray for the nation’s leaders, the governments at all levels and the citizens of our great nation. May the good Lord guide our leaders right and provide succour for the citizenry in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.



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