Sequel to a meeting with the Executive Members of the Clergy’s Welfare Committee, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, has taken a giant stride to boost the Welfare of Clergy men and women of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide. After the meeting which was also attended by VSE Olatosho Oshoffa and Most Senior Evangelist Solomon Oshoffa on Wenesday, 18th April, 2023, the following mandatory orders were pronounced by His Eminence, Reverend E.M.F. Oshoffa:

-That every parish through its Parochial Committee should deduct 5% of monthly income before dividing the returns into 3 (Three) as their contribution to the Welfare of their Shepherd. This should be directly paid into the CCC Clergy Welfare Account with Account Number: 2243726927, United Bank of Africa (U.B.A.).
-The 5% deduction is to take care of Shepherds in their twilight years and trial periods. All Heads are mandated to enforce this order.
-Also, all statutory Heads of the Church at all levels: Districts, Circuits, Provinces, Areas, Divisions and States are mandated to compulsorily enroll in the Insurance Scheme for the Clergy. They will be allotted official Numbers which will be the basis of their official engagement with the Pastor henceforth.
The foregoing is contained in a memo addressed to all State Evangelists, all Administrative Divisional Evangelists, all S.O.P’s, all Shepherds, with reference number CCC/WHQ/EMF.PO/PD-02/04-23 and dated 25th April, 2023.
Similarly, His Eminence, Reverend E.M.F. Oshoffa, has announced the appointment of Venerable Superior Evangelist Johnson Olayiwola Olabode as the Coordinator of the Welfare Committee of the Celestial Church of Christ Clergy Council.
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